Louise’s research focuses on gendered inequalities in sport, physical activity and fitness across the lifespan. The health and well-being aspect of her research dovetails with projects she has managed exploring the physical activity and health legacies of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Louise is particularly interested in community aspects of female involvement in physical activity and issues of health, activity, inequality and diversity. She is part of a volunteer network of local health champions and her work on fitness, health and well-being embraces a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach to sport and physical activity practises (see http://www.healthateverysize.org.uk). She has published in international peer reviewed journals and most recently as guest editor of a special issue of Leisure Studies (2011) titled ‘Leisure and the Politics of the Environment’. She sits on the editorial board of the International Review for the Sociology of Sport as Book and Media Review Editor and is an Executive Board member of the journal Leisure Studies.