Welcome and introduction
Welcome and introduction
Professor Pfister discusses her research into sports across the life course.
This presentation will provide an introduction to AgeUK and outline their strategy with health and wellbeing.
This presentation considers ageing healthily through the perspectives of older people engaged in alternative and nature –based physical activities such as windsurfing and yoga.
This presentation will provide a practitioners perspective of working with older adults in a physical activity setting.
For my presentation I will give a broad overview of the role of exercise in health and explore the factors that influence exercise levels through the life “career” before focussing on the role of the GP in encouraging an active lifestyle. I will describe some of the resources available including…
Our panel members will respond to any further questions from the floor before sharing knowledge and discussing personal views about areas of interest that may have arisen over the course of the day.
Key issues and knowledge gaps identified from discussions throughout the day will be summarised and the seminar drawn to a close.