Professor Brendan Gough will open the seminar.
Professor Brendan Gough will open the seminar.
This paper will address the place of men in the physical activity debate and what implications this blindness has on the experiences of older men.
This presentation will reflect on a personal perspective of life involved in elite level sport and the transition to midlife and beyond.
Men in Sheds
In this presentation, Andrew will explore the gym as a territory for bodies to do age-specific gender and gendered-age.
This presentation will take you through the journey of this special project, which has engaged over 70 since its inception.
The panel discussion is designed to provide an opportunity for those participating in the seminar to hear several people knowledgeable about men, ageing and physical activity to present information and discuss personal views. It is anticipated that the panel discussion will help the audience further…
Key issues and knowledge gaps identified from discussions throughout the day will be summarised and the seminar drawn to a close.